Autocall - In-Duct Mounting of the A4098-9714 TrueAlarm Photoelectric Smoke Sensor - Smoke detector - AC4098-0021 - TrueAlarm in-duct photoelectric smoke detector
- Brand
- Autocall
- Product
- TrueAlarm in-duct photoelectric smoke detector
- Document Type
- Datasheet
- Document Number
- AC4098-0021
- Published Date
- 2023-11-01T11:57:36.916770
- Product code
- A2098-9806
- A4098-9751
- A4098-9819
- A4098-9824
- A4098-9714
- A4098-9852
- A4098-9750
- A2098-9808
- A4098-9853
- Document Revision
- 12
- ft:locale
- English